Hi there! I’m an IT professional by day and an avid adventurer now IronMan trainee by night, weekend and every spare moment. I turned 50 this year and decided that I wanted to do something EPIC. I wanted to accomplish something far beyond anything I have done before and I wanted it to include a complete overhaul of my health and fitness and level of discipline in my life.
I spend a lot of time working on personal development and over the past couple of years I’ve become quite a fan of Jocko Willink, author of Extreme Ownership and listening to him has made me take stock of the level of ownership I take in my life in general. It seemed that there were various times where one or two areas were going very well, but then another would be severely lacking. I wanted to grow my abilities to optimize all areas of my life to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be.
My hope is that this blog will inspire you to take on something new, whether it is something health and fitness related or a big career move or maybe just even traveling somewhere amazing in the world. As Paulo Coelho says “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” So often we stop ourselves before even setting a big goal. The truth is, when you decide to do something, you WILL find a way to make it happen. May my journey serve to lead you to your next big hairy goal….to YOUR IronMan!