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Atomic Habits | Monday Motivation

We don’t rise to our goals, we fall to the level of our systems.

James Clear

As James Clear says in this video, “the goal isn’t to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner.” The reason I’m making IronMan my goal this year is because I want to radically change my fitness to the level where I am an athlete in swimming, cycling and running.

Nothing worth having comes without some effort to achieve it. I realize that setting such a large goal could be daunting to many people – for me, I know that pushing to something big will enable me to develop those habits to truly be at an optimal health and fitness.

If I had just decided to run a half marathon, I wouldn’t have had to work very hard – after all you could walk an entire half marathon and call it good. But I knew I wanted to improve to such a level that I would have to make such drastic changes that my abilities would have to grow in a big way.

Big changes don’t happen overnight, they come about from the little changes made in habits along the way. As I take on new habits of eating whole foods, exercising daily, and keeping my mind learning and growing, I know I will cross that finish line in November at IronMan AZ 2020!

What habits have you changed to achieve your goals? Leave a comment below!

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The Pain Cave

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1 Second Video 2019


If you want to be an IronMan, you can’t stop training after Tuesday Mmkay?

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Copyright © 2020 IRON50 One woman's journey to the ultimate race as a 50 year old.
