Scroll down if you want to by pass my week in review and see my recommendations for Podcasts, nutrition hacks and more…
Hey kids! Its your old pal Michelle here on a beautiful Sunday morning in Phoenix. The sun is shining, the sky is a crisp blue (what does that mean? I don’t know -it is the word that came to me).
Sundays are typically my days to lallygag (I just learned that is the correct spelling) around and do a lot of catch up on writing, reading, learning, menu planning and generally anything else I need to do. I have a running “to do” list that I refer to for a few days before I need to redo it as things fall off and new things surface. Today, my top priorities are to write to you, write about the podcasts, supplements, apps and tools I’m using so far in my training, create flash cards for studying for my SPC exam (Hi Adam!), and plan my Whole 30® / fasting menu for the week. There are more items like “Ashley’s Passport” (we are going to Ireland in May), and “find a good 23 and me analysis service” that I really can’t make headway on today so they are not priorities.

This week has been good and relatively successful in regards to training. After all, it was New Year’s Eve followed by Mark’s 50th birthday (lots of memory jokes ensued.) I actually managed to work out in some way most days. And where I did not succeed (yes New Year’s Day), I doubled up the following day – e.g. early morning swim, run at the gym followed by a lovely hike in the desert with Mark. See photos below:
Blue Wash Trail in Carefree
Yesterday I had my best long run yet, and by long run, I mean 6 miles because right now that is long to me. Yes, I know I have 20 more to go before I can think about finishing IMAZ. But baby steps. What I’m realizing is it is in the showing up each day that is going to make me better! I have to be honest, the run is hard on my bones and I’m sore AF today. My thoughts are that doing strength training and losing the 50 pounds of excess fat on my body will do wonders for that!
Oh and I bought new Hoka Clifton 6‘s last night! Mark and I often have date nights that involve going to Whole Foods e.g. “let’s go to Runner’s Den and get you new running shoes then go next door to Whole Foods for dinner.” Which was where the idea came from, but the Whole Foods part went by the wayside when Mark wanted pizza for his birthday dinner and we ended up at Upper Crust. So that was my cheat meal for the week if you don’t count the Sausage and Peppers I made for NYE. This is where being 50 comes in handy… “I don’t remember having any cheat meals this week yet.”
It’s all good! Starting tomorrow I’m on track for a 5 day fast – black coffee in the mornings and maybe a smattering of bone broth as part of my quarterly reset. I will be doing that with some folks I follow like Peter Attia and Ben Greenfield. Speaking of Peter Attia, he had a great New Year email that I highly recommend. He talks about losing 7lbs by not snacking, not eating food off his kids plates (boy can I relate to that!), and cycling into a week of keto each month. If you are into health, longevity and fitness at all you will want to listen to his podcast and sign up for his newsletter!
Here are my favorite podcasts I listened to this week:

- One of my favorite doctors was on Bulletproof Radio – Dr. Andrew Weil talking as usual about health, longevity and his new Matcha Kari.
- If you’ve been watching the news lately (which I don’t) you may have been bombarded with a lot of negativity. Take some time to listen to another Bulletproof podcast with Peter Diamandis to learn about some of the amazing new things that are coming very soon in the future!
- Whether you are into Formula One or not, you will probably, like me, find this podcast on Peter Attia with Damon Hill fascinating. He overcame the untimely death of his world famous father to become one of the best in racing himself.
- I’ve recently become a big fan of the Life Stylist Podcast by Luke Storey. He’s had some amazing guests on his podcast – so check out his website in general. This week he interviewed Gabby Bernstein which was very inspiring.
- And last but certainly not least is my all time favorite podcast The Tim Ferriss show – this week he aired his interview with iPod/ iPhone and a bunch of other amazing things we can’t live without now creator Tony Fadell. I love the new website Tim!
My week starts on Monday. Here are the workouts I completed. As I’ve mentioned before the absolute best time to workout is first thing in the morning and I am waking up at 4:30 on weekdays now to get to the gym.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Running after Marcie (my grand princess) | Run/Walk | Day Off | Swim, Sauna, Run, Hike | Strength Training | Outdoor Long Run 6am | Swim 1000 yards, Sauna, Bike 10 miles |
That’s all for now! Onward!
The 100 Percent Rule
SWIM Week 4